I’ve been wanting to make a Timelapse feature for years but pre lockdown I struggled for time. That’s one silver lining of the lockdowns at least, 80% of footage is from the last year and a half.
When you take into account the capture time, rendering and editing there has to easily be 50+ hours work.
Each frame at night is a 20 second exposure and there are 24 frames in each second for the majority of the video.
Locations used from start to finish:
Dungeness, Kent Stone Henge, Wiltshire Dungeness, Kent Pico do Arieiro Observatory, Madeira Dungeness, Kent Camber Sands, Kent Dungeness, Kent Seasalter, Kent Funchal, Madeira Herne Bay, Kent Mote Park, Kent Bluebell Hill, Kent Nun’s Valley mountains, Madeira Motney, Gillingham, Kent Rye Harbour, Kent Canterbury, Kent Bodiam Castle, Sussex Corfe Castle, Dorset St Thomas Becket Church, Fairfield, Kent Prospect Cottage, Dungeness, Kent
Rendered in LR Timelapse and cut in Davinci Resolve.